how to play battle of the sexes card game

how to play battle of the sexes card game

Welcome to my blog on how to play the battle of the sexes card game! This game is a great way to test your knowledge of the opposite sex, and see who really knows what they’re talking about. I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks on how to win this game, so stay tuned!


The Battle of the Sexes card game is a fun way to test your knowledge about the opposite sex. It’s a great game for couples, friends, and family. Here’s how to play:

Shuffle the deck of cards and deal them out evenly. Each player gets a chance to ask a question from their hand of cards. The first player to answer correctly gets a point. The first player to reach 10 points wins!

The Rules

To win Battle of the Sexes, the first team to complete all their tasks, or the team with the most tasks completed at the end of the time limit, wins the game.

Players are split into two teams, girls vs boys, and each team is given a set of task cards.

There are three types of task cards:
-Physical tasks: these must be completed by performing the action shown on the card e.g. arm wrestle a member of the opposite sex.
-Mental tasks: these must be completed by answering questions shown on the card e.g. name five brands of makeup.
-skill tasks: these must be completed by performing the action shown on the card e.g. fold a fitted sheet.

The teams must complete as many tasks as possible in the time limit. The game can be played in any timeframe but is usually around 30 minutes-1 hour long.


The key to winning Battle of the Sexes is communication and knowing your partner well. Try to figure out what questions they would know the answer to about the other gender, and ask those first. For example, if you are playing with a woman who is a hairdresser, you might want to ask her “What percentage of women dye their hair?”

In general, pop culture and celebrity questions are good ones to start with, since they are usually something that everyone is aware of. Also, try to avoid asking too many “yes” or “no” questions, as those can be difficult to answer without giving away the answer. If you get stumped on a question, you can always ask for a hint from the other team.

Tips and Tricks

  1. The game is best for four to six players, but can be played with as few as two.
  2. Decide which sex will go first—this can be done by flipping a coin, drawing cards, or any other method you agree upon.
  3. The first player draws a card from the deck and reads the question aloud. Other players must answertruthfully according to their own experiences and opinions.
  4. The player who asked the question then decides whether the answers given were satisfactory based on their own personal criteria. If they satisfy the question asker, that player gets one point; if not, the other team gets a point.
  5. The game continues until all questions have been asked and answered, at which point the team with the most points is declared the winner!

Q: How many cards are in the deck?
A: There are 104 cards in the deck.

Q: How many players can play?
A: Battle of the Sexes is typically played with two players, but up to four players can play.

Q: What do I need to play?
A: All you need to play Battle of the Sexes is a deck of cards and something to keep score with. A pen and paper or chips work great.

Q: How do you win?
A: The first player to reach 10 points wins!


There are many variations of the Battle of the Sexes card game, but the general premise is always the same: men and women compete against each other in a series of challenges. The first team to complete all of the challenges wins the game.

One popular variation of the game is played with two decks of cards, one for each gender. Each deck is filled with a variety of different challenges, ranging from easy to difficult. Players take turns drawing cards from their respective decks and completing the challenge listed on the card. The first team to complete all of the challenges in their deck wins the game.

Another popular variation pits men against women in a series of physical and mental challenges. Players can either compete individually or split into teams. The first team to complete all of the challenges wins the game.

Whichever variation you choose, Battle of the Sexes is sure to be a hit with family and friends!


We hope you enjoyed learning about and playing the Battle of the Sexes card game! This game is a great way to start conversations about gender roles and expectations, and can be a fun way to learn more about the people you know. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers in this game, so just have fun and enjoy!


The game Battle of the Sexes is a card game created by Hasbro. The game is for two players, one male and one female. The goal of the game is to be the first player to reach 100 points. The game is played with a deck of cards, each with a different point value. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.


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